Gitlab Installation
This blog is to document the steps install Gitlab on a Centos 6.4 x88_64 Server. It will discuss some of the issues we encountered and provide some puppet code to automated the build. We used this wiki as a reference for the installation
Gitlab using several subsystems
- Postgres database
- nginx
- unicorn
- ruby / rails
- redis
- sidekiq
We opted to install postgres 9.3 instead of the default provided in the rpm. Postgres will be running as a local database account gitlab.
Gitlab will run as local user Centos account git.
Install and Configure Postgres
Reference for this postgres installation :
Install postgres yum repo
rpm -Uhv
There was an issue with postgres requiring a new version of openss 10 so we installed a 6.5 package instead. Note this openssl is from updates repo which includes the fix for heartbleed vulnerability.
rpm -Uhv
yum -y install postgresql93-server-9.3.4-1PGDG.rhel6.x86_64 postgresql93-9.3.4-1PGDG.rhel6.x86_64 postgresql93-libs-9.3.4-1PGDG.rhel6.x86_64
Edit pg_hba.conf
vi /var/lib/pgsql/9.3/data/pg_hba.conf
#local all all peer
local all postgres trust
local all all trust
Initial database and start postgres daemon
service postgresql-9.3 initdb
service postgresql-9.3 start
For some reason the gitlab configuration script is missing some instructions so we pre-config the db. Note postgres has no password to log in locally.
sudo -u postgres psql
CREATE DATABASE gitlab_production;
\c gitlab_production
CREATE USER gitlab WITH PASSWORD 'my_git_passwd1';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE gitlab_production to gitlab;
Check gitlab database login
psql -U gitlab -W -d gitlab_production
Install and Configure Gitlab
The download instruction for Centos can be found here :
Select Centos 6.
Download Gitlab
yum install openssh-server
yum install postfix
rpm -i gitlab-7.1.1_omnibus-1.el6.x86_64.rpm
Configure gitlab
vi /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb
# Change the external_url to the address your users will type in their browser
git_data_dir "/home/git"
external_url 'http://[your_hostname]'
#custom postgres install
postgresql['enable'] = false
# Fill in the values for database.yml
gitlab_rails['db_adapter'] = 'postgresql'
gitlab_rails['db_encoding'] = 'utf8'
gitlab_rails['db_database'] = 'gitlab_production'
gitlab_rails['db_username'] = 'gitlab'
gitlab_rails['db_password'] = 'dsu-8cq-c5r-poz'
gitlab_rails['db_socket'] = '/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432'
Since we where using our own postgres install we need to add addition entries by adding
postgresql['enable'] = false
Run gitlab reconfiguration
gitlab-ctl reconfigure
gitlab-rake gitlab:setup RAILS_ENV=production
Login to gitlab
In a browser, type http://[your_hostname]
username :
passwd : 5iveL!fe
Couldn't create database for {"adapter"=>"postgresql", "encoding"=>"UTF-8", "database"=>"gitlab_production", "pool"=>10, "username"=>"gitlab", "password"=>"dsu-8cq-c5r-poz", "host"=>"", "port"=>5432, "socket"=>"/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"}
-- enable_extension("plpgsql")
rake aborted!
PG::Error: FATAL: Ident authentication failed for user "gitlab"
We had to run numerous time to figure out what was going on.
Instead we run the following before editing the final gitlab.rb
Bonus Puppet code
Git Node definition
node /[your_git_server]/
version => "9.3",
version => "7.0.0",
require => Class["postgres"],
Postgres module
class postgres ( $version = "9.3" )
case $version {
"9.3" : { $package_version = "93" }
default : { $package_version = "93" }
[ "postgresql${package_version}-server", "postgresql${package_version}" , "postgresql${package_version}-libs" ]:
ensure => latest,
require => Package["pgdg-redhat93-9.3-1"];
ensure => latest,
#Add this to a local repo :
#TODO centos 6.4 requires openssl-1.0.1e-16.el6_5.14.x86_64.rpm for centos 6.5
ensure => "running",
enable => "true",
require => [Package["postgresql${package_version}-server"], Exec["init_postgres"]],
command => "service postgresql-${version} initdb",
path => "/usr/local/bin/:/bin/:/usr/bin/:/usr/sbin/:/sbin",
onlyif => "ls /var/lib/pgsql/${version}/data",
require => Package["postgresql${package_version}-server"],
Gitlab Module
class gitlab( $version = '7.0.0' )
ensure => directory,
require => Class["gitlab::user"];
ensure => "present",
owner => $::git,
group => $::git,
mode => 0655,
notify => Service["gitlab-ctl"],
content => template("gitlab/gitlab.rb.erb"),
require => Package["gitlab-${version}_omnibus"];
ensure => latest,
require => Class["gitlab::user"];
ensure => latest,
require => Package["git"];
ensure => "running",
hasrestart => true,
restart => "/usr/bin/gitlab-ctl reconfigure && chsh -s /bin/bash ${::git_user}",
hasstatus => true,
status => "/usr/bin/gitlab-ctl status",
start => "/usr/bin/gitlab-ctl start",
stop => "/usr/bin/gitlab-ctl stop",
require => File["/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb"],
class gitlab::user
# base::generic_user is a custom "define" create user. There are many definitions to create users. We made it into a class so we can "require" it
# git user account information was define on the top level scope e.g. = $::git
user => "$git_user",
uid => "${git_user_uid}",
base_home => "/var/opt",
home_name => "gitlab",
password => "${git_user_pass}",
comment => "${git_user_comment}",
bash_profile_path => "/opt/gitlab:/opt/gitlab/bin:/opt/gitlab/embedded/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/apps/bin:\$PATH",
bash_rubylib => "/opt/gitlab/embedded/lib"
# Autconfigured by Puppet. Do not edit
# Change the external_url to the address your users will type in their browser
git_data_dir "/home/git"
external_url 'http://<%=fqdn%>'
#need to install postgres
postgresql['enable'] = false
# Fill in the values for database.yml
gitlab_rails['db_adapter'] = 'postgresql'
gitlab_rails['db_encoding'] = 'utf8'
gitlab_rails['db_database'] = 'gitlab_production'
gitlab_rails['db_username'] = 'gitlab'
gitlab_rails['db_password'] = 'your_git_user_dbpasswd'
gitlab_rails['db_socket'] = '/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432'